
真的被 Simon 料對了,上一集在亞特蘭大海選時出現的 Larry 老將還真的爆紅了。(丹)海選時唱自創曲 Pants on the Ground 笑倒了客座評審 Mary J Blige XDD,雖然 62 歲的年紀已經超出 American Idol 的年齡限制,(丹)但朗朗上口的歌詞已經傳遍美國,還上節目 The View 專訪,還沒聽過的看看吧!





American Idol 官方影片

其實我一開始聽到他說 Pants on the ground,我是想到 Jizz in my pants... >"<

American Idol最擅長擺佈群眾這招XD,一定要讓好笑的歌變合唱才甘願~

歌詞 [what? 這還有人做歌詞? XD]


Pants on the ground, pants on the ground
You lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground
With the gold in your mouth, hat turned sideways
Pants hit the ground, call yourself a cool cat, lookin’ like fool,

Walkin’ downtown with your pants on the ground
Get it up
Hey! Get these pants off the ground

You lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground
With the gold in your mouth, hat turned sideways
Pants hit the ground, call yourself a cool cat, lookin’ like fool,

Walkin’, Talkin’ with you pants on the ground
Get it up
Hey! Get these pants off the ground

You lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground
With the gold in your mouth, hat turned sideways
Pants hit the ground, call yourself a cool cat, lookin’ like fool,

Your boy’s say you lookin’ good
Your pants on the ground
Your boys gettin’ happy with the pants on the ground

Get it up
Hey! Get these pants off the ground
You lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground
With the gold in your mouth, hat turned sideways
Pants hit the ground, call yourself a cool cat, lookin’ like fool,
Pants on the ground
Pants on the ground
In the community
Pants on the ground


The View 表演 + 專訪



主持人跟他談到了創作的靈感,他回答:『I was walking one day. I seen[saw] a guy with a baby bottle in his mouth, a pacifier, and his pants on the ground. Suckin’ a baby’s milk, with a pacifier, baby bottle.』(譯:有天走在路上看到一個男的,沒穿褲子,正在用奶瓶喝奶) What? 什麼鬼!? 這樣就有靈感了? 還是這麼奇怪的歌!XD

這是什麼世界阿,叔叔在電視搞笑,主持人還訪問他姪子做何感想,他姪子居然還說為他感到驕傲,XDD 這一切都太超出我的理解了


最後,請大家下週同一時間繼續收看 American Idol!(還有丹尼部落!!!)


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